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Where is Screening Done?

Screening is most commonly requested through a doctor’s office, usually an Ob/Gyn. Screening is also offered at many hospital-based medical genetics programs (where genetic counseling is available) and through several community screening programs and a program where a saliva sample is collected at home. You can also contact a genetic counselor directly, especially if you know you're a carrier or you have a family history of genetic disease. Page down for more information, links and listings. 

Screening through Your Doctor’s Office

Most physicians are able to draw blood for genetic disease tests in their office and send it to a laboratory for analysis. The best place to start for most people who wish to get tested is their regular doctor, most often the woman’s Ob/Gyn. Some physicians have genetic counselors in their practices; others will have genetic counselors or genetics programs to which they will refer patients.  Visit the section Talking to Your Doctor for recommendations about what to say at your appointment.


Jscreen may also be a screening option to consider for those with limited access to a doctor or concern for cost. Their ReproGEN test is designed for prospective parents of any ethnic background. It’s based on an at-home saliva test, which is returned to a lab for analysis. Genetic counseling is included. Testing is coordinated with your doctor. There is generally a three-week turnaround time. (The test is currently $149 if you have insurance, $299 for self-pay.)

Finding a Genetic Counselor

You can look for a genetic counselor in your area through the website of the National Association of Genetic Counselors. 

 Know Before You Go

Tell your doctor:  Whether you are considering starting or adding to your family, it is important to tell your doctor or genetic counselor about your family's ethnic and geographic background and discuss any genetic conditions that run in your family.  If you have ever been screened in the past, bring your report with you to your appointment.

Insurance coverage:  Many insurance plans cover testing for genetic diseases, whether done through a commercial lab, at a hospital, clinic or via an online service. Patients who do not have coverage for testing may be eligible for a reduced-price test. The Canavan Foundation can refer you to reduced price options if necessary. Contact us. 

If you are of Sephardic/Mizrahi heritage: As Jews of Ashkenazi background make up the predominance of the U.S. Jewish population, doctors and genetics programs may be more familiar with the Ashkenazi Jewish genetic diseases than the Sephardic/Mizrahi Jewish genetic diseases. If you are of Sephardic/Mizrahi background, you may want to look for a program which specializes in these diseases.  Call the program in your area and ask if they are familiar with Sephardic/Mizrahi genetic diseases. Cedars/Sinai in LA, the Sarnoff Center for Jewish Genetics (Chicago) and Cohen Children's Hospital/Northwell Health on Long Island, all located in areas with a significant Sephardic/Mizrahi population, have experience in Sephardic/Mizrahi genetic screening. 

Screening at a Hospital or Clinic

Hospital-Based Medical Genetics Programs: Many hospitals around the country, especially in larger metropolitan areas, have medical genetics departments that offer genetic testing and counseling. A person who has a known family history of genetic diseases, has had a positive test result in the past, is already pregnant or has had a child with an inherited genetic disease may wish to go directly to one of these hospital programs. See state-by-state listing below. 

Community Screening Programs: We have identified five community screening programs that usually offer screening at a subsidized price. These programs may have eligibility limitations and may not screen for all diseases.  Center for Jewish Genetics (Chicago), Jewish Genetic Disease Center of Greater Phoenix, Victor Center (Miami, Philadelphia), Dor Yeshorim (Brooklyn). Scroll down for listings. 

Clinic Listings by State


Disclaimer: The Canavan Foundation does not endorse any of these programs. This list is offered for information purposes only. Please contact us if you have any information which will allow us to correct or add to this list.


UCLA Pediatric Genetics

757 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Medical Genetics
444 South San Vicente Bvld., Suite 1001
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Familiarity with Sephardic-Mizrahi genetic diseases

UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital

Ron Conway Family Gateway Medical Building

1825 Fourth St., Sixth Floor

San Francisco, CA 94158

UC Irvine Medical Center

101 The City Drive South, 2ZOT4482
Orange, CA 92868-3298

UC San Francisco Medical Center

533 Parnassus, U-262
San Francisco, CA 94143

Stanford Medical Center

Medical Genetics H-315
Department of Pediatrics
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, CA 94305


Greenwich Hospital

5 Perryridge Road
Greenwich, CT 06830



Victor Center  (Community Screening Program)

Nicklaus Children’s Hospital

3100 SW 62nd Avenue 
Miami, FL 33155

(786) 624-2671 


Save Babies Through Screening Foundation, Inc.

PO Box 5037
Douglasville, GA 30154


Norton and Elaine Sarnoff Center for Jewish Genetics (Community Screening Program)

Ben Gurion Way
30 South Wells Street
Chicago, IL 60606
Can do Sephardic/Mizrahi testing on a case-by-case basis

Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago

Division of Genetics, Birth Defects and Metabolism
2300 Children’s Plaza No. 59
Chicago, IL 60614-3394


Boston University School of Medicine

Center for Human Genetics
700 Albany Street, Ste. W408
Boston, MA 02118

Tufts Medical Center Floating Hospital for Children

Division of Genetics
800 Washington St., 3rd Floor
Boston, MA 02111
617.636.7721 Victor Program questions
617.636.8100 Appointments


Henry Ford Hospital

Department of Medical Genetics
2799 West Grand Blvd., CFP-4
Detroit, MI 48202


Mayo Clinic

200 First Street SW
Rochester, MN 55905
507.284.8198 Clinical Genetics
800.533.1710 Genetics Laboratory

New Jersey

Hackensack University Medical Center

Genetics & Genetics Counseling Program
30 Prospect Avenue
Hackensack, NJ 07601

Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

Institute of Genomic Medicine
185 South Orange Avenue
Medical Science Bldg., F-656
Newark, NJ 07103

St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center

703 Main Street
Patterson, NJ 07503

New York

Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Reproductive Genetics Division
1695 Eastchester Road, Suite 301
Bronx, NY 10461

New York Presbyterian/Brooklyn Methodist Hospital

Genetic Testing and Counseling Program
506 6th St.
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Diseases

Dor Yeshorim (Community Screening Program)

429 Wythe Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 1211

Children's Hospital (Buffalo)

Division of Genetics
140 Hodge Avenue, Room 166
Buffalo, NY 14222-2034

Cohen Children's/Northwell Health

225 Community Drive
Great Neck, NY 11020
Familiarity with Sephardic/Askenazi diseases

Mount Sinai Medical Center

Reproductive Genetics Counseling Program
1428 Madison Avenue (at 99th Street)
The Atran Building, 1st Floor 
New York, NY 10029

NYU Langone Medical Center

Human Genetics Program
MSB 136
550 First Avenue
New York, NY 10016

Beth Israel Medical Center

Division of Medical Genetics
350 East 17th Street, Suite 6BH10
New York, NY 10003

Columbia University Medical Center

Division of Medical Genetics
3959 Broadway
CHN 6-601A
New York, NY 10032

Weill Cornell Medicine

Pediatric Medical Genetics
505 East 70th St.
Helmsley Tower, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10021


Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Division of Human Genetics
3333 Burnet Avenue
Cincinatti, OH 45229-3026
800.344.CHMC x64760


Oregon Health Sciences University

Biochemical Genetics Laboratory
Portland, OR 97201


Victor Center (Community Screening Program)

5501 Old York Road
Levy 2 West
Philadelphia, PA 19141


Genetics & IVF Institute – Molecular Genetics Laboratory

Fairfax, VA 22031